Welcome to my website! I'm John Bumstead, and my company, RDKL, Inc. (pronounced "roadkill incorporated") has been buying, repairing, and selling Apple laptops for more than 15 years. In my spare time I photograph broken screens and GPU defects (i.e. "glitch" art), which you can find on my Instagram page.
Sell your broken MacBook in the "Sell Your Computer" wizard, buy a MacBook in the "Marketplace", and get your repair questions answered in the "Answers" forums! I look forward to hearing from you!
Recent Answers
Activation locked M1 MacBookMost recent by RussiaNik September 12 MacBook Pro
iBook G4 won’t boot.Most recent by John September 9 iBook
What os can I put on a mid 2008 Mac book pro with 2 gb of ramMost recent by John August 15 MacBook Pro
Looking for Titanium Powerbook that can boot OS9Most recent by John May 19 PowerBook
Your Experience with Unsupported Devices that have been Upgraded using Opencore Patcher?Most recent by rhst1 April 14 General
Fellow electronics recycler in the midwest inviting you to check us out on ether Facebook or YoutubeMost recent by John March 28 Business
Looking for u$50 or below for brazil shippingMost recent by alexhguerra March 21 General